
Hi, I am Keno, hobby photographer, triple jumper and physics student living in Bremen. On this website, you can find a collection of some of my favourite photos, my performance progression in sports and insights in the code projects I am working on in my free time.


I am a passionate track and field athlete specialised in the triple jump. Training takes up most of my free time and sport is constantly on my mind. I train 3 to 6 times a week, some weeks even every day.

I achieved my personal best of 14,91 m at the German National Indoor Championships last year and I am looking to jump even further this summer, chasing Bremen’s local record of 15,47 m from 1982.


If I find time, I love to go out with my camera and capture the beauty of this world. I mostly photograph animals and landscapes but sometimes also people and cities.

I have had the luxury to travel to Kenya twice, to visit Iceland and to go on vacation in Egypt but what I enjoy most, is taking photos right outside my doorstep or in some of our beautiful national parks here in Germany.


In my free time and during my studies, I built several small applications. This includes multiple optimised simulations of the Ising Model (a famous physical model for ferromagnets) or, to be more specific, the Bornholdt-variant of the model, which implements a few small changes to interpret it as an agent-based market model. I’ve also tried building small web applications, for example Pyfit, which can be used to visualise and interpret data sets from spreadsheets.